Friday 30 April 2010

Final Front Cover Evaluation 2

The target audience for my magazine was male and females varying ages between 16 and 21. The income brackets being c-b1. My magazine was mainly aimed at students (school/college/university) and so most of them wouldn't have full time jobs, this is represented through the pricing of my magazine. It is not very expensive and is affordable for people with small part time jobs and even for people getting EMA. In my opinion this is important as a high price can deter a younger target audience as they cannot afford to spend money on magazines.

My target audience are a social group that are heavily passionate about rock music and go to gigs regularly. This is represented through the sub-heading on my front cover; including 2010 festivals and gig reviews. (Also the stamp on his hand shows attendance of a local music venue and so they may recognise this stamp "tradition" and relate to his interests) This will attract people interested in live music as they will want to be recommended good bands and see reviews of gigs they had possible gone to. Also, considering the subheading includes a 'Gallows' album review then they could be interested in buying albums/CD's. Another point is that Chris Page is holding a cigerette, and although it is hard to see as the main feature title is in front of it, it shows the stereotpye of people that my magazine is trying to attract.

Even though the colour of the font on the front cover is connotated as a "girly" colour, it could represent the social group i am trying to reach to. For example, the frontman who is pictured in my main image is from a modern 'glam rock' band, and so feminine colours are relevant. Also personally i believe that a lot of the rock music magazines that are published and sold seem to have masculine heavy fonts and colour schemes (Kerrang in particular), something which i intended to steer clear of so more females (feminine girls) are attracted to the magazine. I like the softness of the colour itself but then the way it still stands out against the black and white main image.

I think my front cover represents the target social group positively and well. It indicates they are interested in the music scene and recreational gigs and venues. It represents them as sociable in the fact that they want to know what is going on within the rock music business and industry.

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