Friday 7 May 2010

General Evaluation

Over all, i think my music magazine pages do not challenge the codes and conventions of a music magazine but follow them. There are some aspects that do not strictly follow these generic rules, for example the pages aren't as full and busy, full of bright colours and boxes that stand out against images. Whereas both my contents page and the front page are simple and reserved compared to magazines such as Kerrang! and Rock Sound.

My pages represent the target audience as music "savvy" people who like to go out to gigs and venues and have a general good time. I think the layout of the front page and the contents page are quite mature and this represents my desired audience.

I think that my magazine 'Trash' would get sold in places that my target audience are likely to go. I also have to consider that my magazine is relatively local and so shops such as Tesco and Waitrose aren't going to sell it as their audiences are nation wide and mainstream. Local skate shops and independent music shops and alternative cafe's would sell my magazine, even alternative music venues and bars, as the people that go to these places are the people that would be more interested in my magazine and it's contents. Also, as my target audience are students or just ventured into a full time job, then i think it would be effective if my magazine would be sold in a college shop or even give copies to colleges to build awareness of Trash so the right audiences would see it.

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