Friday 7 May 2010

What I've Learnt...

Creating the products that i have, i have learnt a lot about technologies on the Apple Mac's. Before starting this coursework i did not know how to do anything on Adobe Photoshop and hadn't even heard of InDesign and so i have made a lot of progress in this sense.
On Adobe Photoshop i have learnt things such as how to 'cut out' images, using the 'lassoo tool' so that the title of the magazine could go behind the head of a main image, something which is used a lot in professional and established magazines.

I also learnt how to use the 'clone tool' to blur blemishes or to hide imperfections within the picture. I used the clone tool to hide the camera reflection in the sunglasses of the person in the main image as this isn't very professional. Also i used the clone tool to hide blemishes on Chris' face as it makes the photo look more professional. The clone tool was also used to get rid of stray hairs on his head that had been moved in the wind when taking the photo's, this way he looks more 'flawless'.

On photoshop i also learnt about putting 'strokes' on pieces of text, on many of my subheadings and titles i used shadows to make the text stand out against the main image.

Those were the main things i learnt on photoshop, without them skills my front cover would not look as professional and would look very boring. None of the text would stand out sufficiently and so the target audience would nto be able to read it from its place on a shop shelf.

For my contents page and double page spread i used Adobe InDesign. I learnt basic things such as how to tilt objects and text and just learnt general things about moving text around.

I also learnt about the magic wand tool on InDesign and how to use this to make mass amount of texts the same font, size, proportions and colour. I learnt how to make the margins between the columns of my main image perfect and coherent and locked the columns so that if i ran out of space when typing the article, it went onto the next column.

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