Friday 7 May 2010

Main Feature Evaluation 1

After adding the article and the quotes into my double page spread i decided to change certain aesthetic, physical aspects. I changed the font of the title 'Crash Mansion' as originally it was plain and quite boring. Although it looked sophisticated and mature i didn't think it suited my target audience very well. I changed the font to something more stereotypical and conventional to a rock/metal music magazine, this made the title stand out a lot more within the pages.

I have the typical conventions of a double page spread feature in my own product;

  • I have a picture on one side filling the whole of the page.
  • There are page numbers at the bottom of my pages.
  • The title at the top is very bold and stands out.
  • I have included who wrote the article near the title.
  • The article is in columns with appropriate margins/spacing.
  • There are two pull quotes in the double page spread, one on the picture and one in the middle of the second column.
  • The first letter is bold and bigger than the rest of the text.
  • As my article is like an interview, the questions are bold.

I think that my target audience would be attracted to reading this main feature as the pull qoutes are prominent and intrigues them to read more. For example it may shock the reader to see a typical rock star saying 'music isn't just about having a good time', they may want to read on to be proved wrong on their perceptions of Chris' attitude maybe.

Even though i think the black and white theme of the double page spread can be quite boring as there are no outrageous colours or anything that stands out enormously i think it works well with the sub-culture that would be reading it. I think the main feature and the main image of the front page link well and so they are relevent with eachother. The main feature looks as though it should be in the same issue as the front cover.

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